Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Japan With Love

We've all heard about the devastation in Japan. With all the "aftershocks" that equate to what we would consider earthquakes over here (at a 6.0 on the Richter Scale), and a nuclear disaster looming, I can't even imagine what they're going through. With the death toll already over 5,000, and still 10,000+ missing, it comes as no surprise that there are relief efforts left and right. You can text donations to the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army (where you can also do online donations). Personally, I donated to For Japan With Love, a disaster relief fund started by Utterly Engaged and Ever Ours. They started out with a goal of $5,500, and already have over $11,000 raised!

In addition to this initiative, both have declared tomorrow Bloggers Day of Silence, in memory of the victims in Japan.

Please donate what you can, if you can. Every little bit helps. Information on how to help is on any of the linked pages above.


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