Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Recap Time: First Look Shots!

First look shots are gaining popularity, but some feel more traditional about it and prefer not to do them because they want their husband's first look to be of them walking down the aisle. I, personally, really wanted to do first look shots. I guess because I wanted to capture his reaction and get a chance to do pictures before the ceremony (and so we didn't have to miss any of the party after). I'm really glad that I did, as well, since when we got back from the shoot I was running around in the backyard doing things anyway, so I would've been seen regardless! So I guess my now husband got the first look (and my bridal party), and basically everyone else just saw me running around the backyard as their first look at me. LOL. Oh well.

Our photogs, Hughes Fioretti, scoped it out the morning-of and decided we would opt for site #3, Hopatcong State Park, and I have to say it was the perfect choice. MINUS how many stairs I had to climb in my dress, lol, the pictures turned out great and it was a great view from the top! But first, the view from the bottom (these pics are courtesy of Bridesmaid Lela's husband Brad)...

Check out all those green shoes! Nicely done ladies!

Flip floppin' it halfway up the stairs.

I love this shot of my MOHs!

Oh, hello!

And now, the view from the top!

Hiking in my wedding dress...

Taking a breather at the top of the hill!

I can't leave without telling the funny story that goes along with the first look shots. I guess it wouldn't be my wedding without a good Brett story! So, to get to the park, one literally would go out to the main road from my mom's house (like less than a block), turn right, and go all the way to the end. The road literally stops in a T with the state park directly in front of you. However, my brother, notorious for pretending like he knows where everything is and always getting lost, shockingly got lost. I even said to Julie, part of our photog duo, "Are you sure he knows how to get here?" and she said he told her he did. Needless to say, I wasn't hopeful, and he called her 10 minutes later. He had gone to the wrong park. He called ME 10 minutes after that. He had gone to ANOTHER wrong park. He actually said to me, when I described exactly how to get there, "Oh, you mean Bear State Park?? Why didn't you just say so!!" I was so confused, until I realized he was talking about the Smokey The Bear sign outside of the park.

via Google Images

I'm pretty sure they have these at most state parks. They're the signs that tell you the fire danger level of the day. So, needless to say, the name of the park is NOT Bear State Park.

*face palm* He showed up eventually...


*Pics with "Proof" watermark are courtesy of Hughes Fioretti Photography, all others are candids from friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. ha, oh man i love brett stories. and also love the bear state park story. great pics from both the photogs and brad. can't wait to get my own copies. =)
